Chakras are points of pure healing energy (otherwise known as prana) that are located across various parts of our body. This energy acts as a life force connecting our mind, body, and spirit. When our chakras are balanced, we are at peace with ourselves and are in a more fulfilled state of existence.

There are 7 main chakras- the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra.

7 major chakras

In this post I will be running through everything you need to know about balancing the root chakra.

Root Chakra

Name: Muladhara

Color: Red

Element: Earth


Where is the root chakra located?

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine, near your tailbone. 


What does the root chakra control?

The root chakra is mainly focused on security and stability. This chakra grounds us. Your basic human needs such as food, shelter, and water are all part of your root chakra, as well as your mental needs. It is the first of your main chakras and therefore supports all the rest of the chakras above. It is very important for your root chakra to remain in balance in order for your other chakras to do so as well. 


How do you know if your root chakra is out of balance?

Since your root chakra is focused on your sense of safety and security, you can tell it’s unbalanced if you feel the opposite of these things. Anxiety, depression, and fear are common symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra. Low self-esteem is also common, as well as being overly controlling.

Physical symptoms may also manifest if your root chakra is unbalanced. This can include issues in your lower back, legs, and feet, as well as in the bladder, colon, or prostate. Problems with reproductive organs, sexual function, pelvic pain, and bones may also manifest. Eating disorders are associated with the root chakra as well as weight loss or gain. You may have low energy, get sick often, and have uncontrollable addictions or cravings. 

When your root chakra is balanced, you feel safe and fearless. You feel strong and are in good health. 


How to balance the root chakra

One of the best ways to work towards balancing your root chakra is meditation. Meditation can be extremely grounding when done right as it helps bring you back into yourself. It helps to quiet the mind and anxieties. 

However, meditation will not likely be a one-fix-all solution for you. You can also find peace by going into nature and spending more time with the earth. Hiking, going for walks, enjoying the sunshine, basking in the cool breeze- these can all help to ground you as well. If you go for walks, I highly recommend trying to walk barefoot. 

Many other exercises can help to ground you, such as yoga, dancing, painting, journaling, and other artistic activities. These are meditative in their own right and very relaxing. 

Overall, only you really know what makes you feel safe and secure. Perhaps talking to your loved ones about your concerns, spending time with your pets, taking a bath, enjoying solitude, or lighting a candle and listening to music is the best way for you. 



Food is a physical entity composed of a kind of energy that we put in our bodies. This energy has the ability to become us- therefore, it is important to be mindful about what sorts of energies we are putting into our body. There are some specific foods that have very healing energy for the root chakra:

  • Fruits and veggies: apples, strawberries, pomegranates, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, etc. (emphasis on red fruits and veggies)
  • Proteins: beans, quinoa, lentils, tofu, broccoli, almonds, peanut butter, peas, pumpkin seeds, chia seed, tempeh, spinach, tahini, chickpeas, etc.



Crystals have their own specific energy and frequency. Meditating with your crystals, placing them on your chakra, or just being surrounded by them and their frequencies can help alleviate the block on your root chakra and balance it. There is a really great starter kit of crystals for chakra healing, or you can buy crystals individually based on their unique properties.  set Here is a list of helpful crystals for balancing your root chakra: 

Black tourmalineprotection stone, grounding, absorbs negative energy, increase strength, connects you to earth, increases passion and desire, authenticity, reflective, understanding

Bloodstoneincreases strength and drive, dispels negative energy, increases courage and creativity, endurance and physical strength, revitalizing

Garnetremoves blockages, raises vibrations, helps with passion and creativity, strengthens life force, and increases sexual drive

Hematite protective stone, treats blood-related illnesses, promotes circulations, removes impurities, helps body and soul relationship, grounds you to earth, dispels negative energy, clears minds, aids with decision making

Black Obsidianprotection stone, cleansing, grounding, restores positive energy, aids confidence, increases strength of heart and mind

Red Jasperspiritually cleansing, grounding, protective instincts, dispels negative energy, helps with confidence, raises tantric power and sexual drive, increases courage and passion

Smoky QuartzHelps balance spiritual energies and emotional stability, dissolves pain, increases calmness, emphasizes focus on the present moment, increase intuition, and helps with anxiety and fear

Tiger’s Eyehelps entire well-being, dispels negative energy, restores focus and drive, centers you and connects you to core, regenerative, confidence boosting


I recommend choosing whichever ones call to you the most. 


Essential oils

Aromatherapy is another method to help balance your root chakra. Certain scents or oils mixed into your bath can do wonders for your root chakra. Here is a list of essential oils for balancing your root chakra:

Cedarwood – grounding, soothing, tranquility

Clove – happiness, energizing, abundance, digestion, respiratory ailments

Cypress – soothing, calming, emotional stability, respiratory ailments

Frankincense – eases anxiety and depression, tranquility, grounding, meditative, aids immune and respiratory ailments

Myrrh – soothing, relaxing, harmony, focus, respiratory ailments

Rosemary – dispels negativity, protection, eases change, blood circulation

Rosewood – eases depression, alertness, digestion

Thyme – courage, aids respiratory and immune system ailments, pain relief

White Fir/ Silver Fir – relaxing, energizing, stabilizing, alleviates pain, 

Ylang-ylang – happiness, optimism, stress-relief, hormone balance


You can also buy a starter kit of the top 8 essential oils and an essential oil diffuser.



As I said earlier, meditation is very helpful for balancing the root chakra. Here are some meditations you can try out and see what works for you. 

Root Chakra Healing Guided Meditation – 26 minute guided meditation by Meditative Mind

Root Chakra Meditation – 10 minute root chakra meditation by Manifest by Jess

Root Chakra Healing Music – 6 hours of root chakra healing music by Meditative Mind

Root Chakra Activation and Balancing – 15 minute root chakra meditation and activation by Taos Winds Spirit Music


Yoga poses

Knee to Chest Pose (Pavanamuktasana) – rebalances energy

Easy Pose (Sukhasana) – draw energy from earth

Head to Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsansana) – grounding

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) – calming and attentive

Garland Pose (Malasana) – connect with earth

Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) – calming and relaxing

Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana Two) – grounds energy


Here is a 35 minute root chakra yoga session. 



The other chakras

how to balance root chakra

I hope this post was helpful for your learning and healing. Comment below your favorite methods of balancing the root chakra. What works for you?

Also, please let me know if you have any questions. 

Much love and gratitude for you all,


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