Chakras are points of pure healing energy (otherwise known as prana) that are located across various parts of our body. This energy acts as a life force connecting our mind, body, and spirit. When our chakras are balanced, we are at peace with ourselves and are in a more fulfilled state of existence.
There are 7 main chakras- the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra.
In this post, I will be running through everything you need to know about the Crown chakra.
Crown Chakra at a glance
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Color: Violet
Element: Not associated with any element but is ‘pure spirit’ or ‘cosmic energy’
Where is the Crown Chakra located?
The throat chakra is located at the top of your head or slightly above it.
What does the Crown Chakra do?
As the last of the 7 major chakras, the crown chakra acts as a tether to the spiritual world. It is associated with bliss, enlightenment, consciousness, divinity, and love.
It allows us to access higher states of consciousness and experience bliss through understanding the beauty of the world in all its aspects.
Balancing the Crown Chakra
An Unbalanced Crown Chakra
When your crown chakra is balanced, you will feel great compassion and kindness towards others. Your outlook on life will be positive and hopeful. You will have a greater understanding of the universe and your place within it.
When the crown chakra is blocked or underactive, you may feel disconnected or ungrounded. It is common to dissociate from reality and feel negative about your life. You may feel purposeless, confused, and uninspired. This can lead to stress and sadness about your life and what you’re meant to do.
You also may be pulled more towards materialistic desires. Your mind often refuses to take other ideas into consideration.
An overactive crown chakra tends to cause self-destructive behaviors. You may be extremely cynical about the world and spirituality, or you may be uber-obsessive about it. Either way, you will feel overwhelmed by your feelings towards your life and your spiritual path.
How to Balance the Crown Chakra
There are many things you can do to help with balancing the crown chakra. There are types of meditations, foods, crystals, yoga poses, and affirmations that are beneficial for balancing the crown chakra, which I will go into later.
However, the most beneficial thing you can do to open or balance your crown chakra is to work on balancing your other chakras. The crown chakra is similar to the culmination of your spiritual journey. Your other chakras must be balanced for you to be able to fully balance your crown chakra.
Other types of spiritual practices will aid you as well. Journaling, mantra repetition, and spending time in nature have a positive effect.
I also highly recommend traveling. Get to know other cultures. Open your mind to different ways of life and living. There is no best way to do anything. Traveling the world and meeting other people with different backgrounds will help you to understand your place in the beautiful and ever-fluctuating universe.
Food is a physical entity composed of energy that we put in our bodies. This energy has the ability to become us- therefore, it is important to be mindful about what sorts of energies we are putting into our bodies.
There are some specific foods that have very healing energy for the crown chakra:
- Fruits and veggies: eggplant, grapes, passionate fruit, blackberries
- Other: herbal tea, ginger
Crystals have their own specific energy and frequency. Meditation or being surrounded by certain frequencies can help alleviate the block on your crown chakra and balance it. You can buy a crystal starter kit for chakra meditation or buy crystals individually based on their unique properties.
Here is a list of helpful crystals for balancing your third eye chakra:
- Amethyst – intuition, spiritual awareness
- Clear Quartz – energy, healing
- Fluorite – spiritual detoxifier, transforms negative energy to positive energy
- Howlite – patience, desire for knowledge, emotional expression
- Lepidolite – harmony of body, mind, and soul
- Labradorite – protection, faith, trust, healing, spiritual
- Lapis Lazuli – enlightenment, open mind, self-awareness
- Moonstone – harvest energy of the moon, yin energy, balance, intuition
- Selenite – clarity, calm, spiritual elevation, high frequency
I recommend choosing whichever ones call to you the most.
Essential oils
Aromatherapy is another method to help balance the crown chakra. Certain scents or oils mixed into your bath can do wonders for you.
Here is a list of essential oils for balancing your third eye chakra:
You can also buy an essential oils started kit and an essential oils diffuser.
Meditation is very helpful for balancing the crown chakra. Here are some meditations you can try out and see what works for you.
Crown Chakra Meditation Music – 6 hours of meditation music for healing the crown chakra by Meditative Mind
Crown Chakra Sleep Meditation Music – 11:11:11 of music to play while sleeping by Nu Meditation Music
Crown Guided Meditation – 10 minute guided meditation for the crown chakra by Great Meditation
Crown Chakra Healing Meditation – 35 minuted guided meditation for healing the crown chakra by Meditative Mind
It can be incredibly effective to use affirmations when healing your crown chakra. Speak them to yourself when you wake up or before you sleep- look into the mirror as if you are talking to yourself. Try to take what you say as a core belief.
- I am open to the ideas of others.
- I am guided by my inner truth.
- I am one with divinity.
Effective yoga poses
- Corpse Pose (Savasana) – calms nervous system, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, promotes spiritual awakening
- Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) – strengthens the upper body, increases blood flow
- Headstand Pose (Salamba Sirsasana) – calming, relieves stress, aids digestion, improves focus, increases blood flow to the brain
- Tree Pose (Vriksasana) – strengthens legs, opens hips, balance, endurance
Click here for a 40 minute guided yoga session for the crown chakra by Allie Van Fossen.
The other chakras:
I hope this post was helpful for your learning and healing. Comment below your favorite methods of balancing the crown chakra. What works for you?
Also, please let me know if you have any questions.
Much love and gratitude for you all,
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