Chakras are points of pure healing energy (otherwise known as prana) that are located across various parts of our body. This energy acts as a life force connecting our mind, body, and spirit. When our chakras are balanced, we are at peace with ourselves and are in a more fulfilled state of existence.

There are 7 main chakras- the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra.

7 major chakras

In this post, I will be running through everything you need to know about the solar plexus chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire


Where is the solar plexus chakra located?

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper stomach area, near your diaphragm.


What does the solar plexus chakra control?

The solar plexus chakra is mainly focused on identity, ego, personality, and power. It governs personal freedom, purpose, and authenticity and is responsible for your sense of confidence and self-esteem. It is also responsible for your willpower and determination. 


How do you know if your solar plexus chakra is out of balance?

When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you are at the height of your self-esteem and power. You are confident, can overcome your fear, and make conscious life decisions. You act as your authentic self and are driven towards manifesting your dreams into reality. 

You will know if your solar plexus chakra is out of balance if you struggle with any of these emotions. You may struggle with your own identity, have low self-esteem, have feelings of not being able to control your own life.

When the solar plexus chakra is underactive, you may experience this loss of control or purpose. You may feel powerless and doubt yourself and your ability to become your highest self and achieve your life path goals. 

When your solar plexus chakra is overactive, you may feel the need to control others. You may be critical and harsh, stubborn, and struggle with feelings of anger and aggression. Feelings of greed and jealousy can also be linked to an unbalanced solar plexus chakra. This can cause you to act out in ways you otherwise would not. 


Balancing your solar plexus chakra

One of the best ways to work towards balancing your solar plexus chakra is meditation. Meditation can be extremely healing for your chakras when you focus on the energy and its movement within you. 

Another good way to work on balancing your solar plexus chakra is to spend time outdoors, walking, hiking, or just enjoying nature. This can help you regain access to the more authentic parts of yourself. 

I highly recommend journaling. Focus on writing about your feelings and what you want from your life- your bigger purpose. Thinking about these things can draw you closer to them and reconnect you with feelings and purpose and determination. 

It also helps to increase your generosity towards others. It can be small things, like buying a coffee for a friend or leaving a larger than normal tip. This helps to lessen feelings of no control and make you feel more generous and at ease.  

Incorporating yellow into your life is another way to be more mindful of your solar plexus chakra. Clothes, jewelry, house decorations- anything works. 

Foods, crystals, essential oils, and yoga are some of the most effective ways to balance chakras.



Food is a physical entity composed of a kind of energy that we put in our bodies. This energy can become us- therefore, it is important to be mindful about what sorts of energies we are putting into our bodies. Some specific foods have very healing energy for the solar plexus chakra:

  • Fruits and veggies: bananas, pineapple, lemon, corn, squash, yellow peppers
  • Proteins: eggs, sunflower seeds, beans, flax seeds, yogurt



Crystals have their own specific energy and frequency. Meditation or being surrounded by certain frequencies can help alleviate the block on your sacral chakra and balance it. You can buy a crystal starter kit for chakra meditation or buy crystals individually based on their unique properties. Here is a list of helpful crystals for balancing your sacral chakra:

Amber clears emotional blockages, aids decision making, increase creativity and intuition

Calciterelieve stress, increase creativity, aid sexual energies, confidence

Citrine happiness and joy, optimism, self-expression

Lemon quartzhappiness, clear thinking, repels negative energy

Pyritedrive, determination, vitality

Sunstoneincreases confidence, leadership, and enthusiasm

Tiger’s eyeeases anxiety, strengthens courage, grounding

Yellow jasper positivity and compassion

Yellow topazpositive energy, confidence boosting


I recommend choosing whichever ones call to you the most. 


Essential oils

Aromatherapy is another method to help balance your solar plexus chakra. Certain scents or oils mixed into your bath can do wonders for your solar plexus chakra. Here is a list of essential oils for balancing your solar plexus chakra:

Black pepper – reduces stress and anxiety, relieves muscle and joint pain, cleansing

Cedarwood –  grounding, soothing, tranquility

Cypress – soothing, calming, emotional stability, respiratory ailments

Geranium – relieves anxiety and depression, anti-inflammatory, pain relief

Ginger – boosts digestion, eases stomach pain, anti-inflammatory

Helichrysum – healing, regenerative, prevents infections

Lavender – relaxing, relieves stress and anxiety, depression, nausea, cramps

Lemongrass – reduce anxiety, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory 

Mandarin – eases stress and anxiety, anti-depressant, pain relief, weight loss, uplifting

Myrrh – soothing, relaxing, harmony, focus, respiratory ailments

Peppermint– alleviate nausea and pain, calming

Sandalwood – reduces stress, calming, improves sleep quality

Vetiver – relieves nervousness, insomnia, joint and muscle pain

Ylang-ylang – reduces anxiety, anti-depressant, boosts mood, reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure


You can also buy an essential oils started kit and an essential oils diffuser.


As I said earlier, meditation is very helpful for balancing the solar plexus chakra. Here are some meditations you can try out and see what works for you. 

Solar Plexus Chakra Guided Meditation – 10 minuted guided meditation by Great Meditation

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Meditation – 25 minute guided meditation by Meditative Mind

Solar Plexus Chakra Activation Meditation – 15 minuted qi activations for the solar plexus chakra by PowerThoughts Meditation Club

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Music – 6 hours of healing music to open your chakra and boost confidence by Meditative Mind


Effective yoga poses

Bow pose / Dhanurasana – strengthens abs, hips, and spine, relieves stress, improves digestion

Breath of Fire / Kapalabhati pranayama – relieves stress, boosts mental functions, improves respiratory health

Cobra pose / Bhujangasana – strength chest, longs, abs, & spine, relieves stress and fatigue, opens heart and lungs

Prayer pose / Anjuli Mudra – improves posture, strengthens lower body, improves respiratory health, relieves stress and anger

Revolved triangle pose / Parivrtta Trikonasana – improves balance, strengthens abs and lower body, increases flexibility

Click here for a 40 minute solar plexus chakra guided yoga video.


The other chakras

  • Heart chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Third eye chakra
  • Crown chakra

how to balance solar plexus chakra


I hope this post was helpful for your learning and healing. Comment below your favorite methods of balancing the solar plexus chakra. What works for you? 

Also, please let me know if you have any questions. 

Much love and gratitude for you all,



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