The earth is alive and she will kills us all. This sounds little bit like clickbait. Not to fear, though. It’s not clickbait. Though by ‘kill’ I don’t exactly mean Mother Earth is going to whip out a flame thrower and burn us all up… oh wait.
- Article: “Nothing Safe as Wildfire Tears Through California Town”
- AP, Aug, 6, 20201
- Article: “Australian wildfires declared among the worst wildlife disasters in modern history”
- NBC, July 28, 2020
- Article: “The Fires in Greeces Are a Terrifying Warning”
- New York Times, Aug. 27, 2021
Okay, let me explain.
How We Know the Earth is Alive
There was this idea in ancient Egyptian mythology about a goddess named Gaia. She was essentially the goodness of all maternal power. When her spirit entered whatever chaos was present before, structure was formed and so was the earth.
Gaia, in a sense, represents the life-force of the earth. A conscious life-force.
In the 70’s, two scientists named James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis came up with a revolutionary theory regarding earth as a living being. Like all living beings, they proposed that the earth self-regulates itself.
So when one element is increasing or decreasing, another one begins to increase or decrease to counteract it. It’s similar to how the human immune system treats bacteria in the body- how it attacked, regulates, and balances it’s way back to health.
This theory is more or less regarded as true nowadays.
When we look at the energy fields around the earth, there are particular locations with significant vortexes. Some even go so far as to compare these vortexes to chakras, which mirror the chakras of the human body.
The earth’s chakras are located in powerful areas of civilization and nature: the pyramids of Egypt, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, and Mount Kailash in Tibett, to name a few. They do the same things for the earth as our own chakras do for us- regulate and balance our mind, body, and soul relationship.

The locations of all 7 chakras of the earth
When that energy is not flowing as it should and is out of balance, the earth seeks to re-balance, much like the hypothesis I previously mentioned.
Why the Earth Wants Us Dead
For billions of years the earth self-regulated itself. It survived meters, ice ages, mass extinction, etc. But approximately 300,000 years ago, Homo sapiens were introduced to the world.
When you look at the timeline of earth’s age, it is astonishing to see just how little humans have existed on it for. It’s even more astonishing when you understand that modern industrialization (and the dominant causes of climate change) are really a rather recent event.
The climate is changing fast and it’s already been extremely evident. Wildfires, hurricanes, floods, storms, odd weather patterns, a global pandemic… The earth has felt the misbalance that humans have caused it as a result of our insatiable desire for progress.
Maybe the earth doesn’t want us dead, exactly, but it definitely wants us to stop. It needs us to stop for its own survival. If we continue to act as we are now, then we will only see more strange weather patterns, more spreading illnesses, and more deaths.
When we say save the earth, what we really mean is we need to save ourselves. Because the earth will live on long after we are gone. Mother earth will kill us all before we can destroy her. That’s just the nature of her ways, the nature of all life force. Balance will be restored whether humans are there to see it or not.
It’s time for something to change.
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