Chakras. You’ve probably heard of them before, whether it be in on television or in a book- or maybe in that yoga class you took once. But what are they exactly and where do they come from?


What does “chakra” mean?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel” or “cycle”. It originated around 1000 BC in ancient Sanskrit texts called the Vedas, which are essentially the scriptures of the Hindu faith.

Though this is the literal meaning of the word, it is typically talking about one of seven centers of energy in your body. They line up vertically in the middle of your body from the top of your head to the base of your spine.


What is the purpose of chakras?

All chakras have within them a sort of life force called ‘prana’, which is a pure form of energy. They say when all the prana is our chakras is free-flowing and unblocked, we are in our most harmonious state of being with regards to mind, body, and spirit.

Many individuals are working to unblock all of their chakras so that they can reach this harmonious state.


How many chakras are there?

There are 7 main chakras (although there are many points of energy through your entire body). They include the following:


1. Root Chakra – Muladhara

Located: At the base of your spine, where your tailbone is.

Controls: Stability and security- you most basic needs.


2. Sacral Chakra – Svadhishthana

Located: In your lower abdomen, a couple inches under the belly button.

Controls: Creativity, sexuality, and emotions.


3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

Located: In the upper abdomen, where your stomach is.

Controls: Identity, personality, ego, and self-esteem.


4. Heart Chakra – Anahata

Located: In the center of your chest, right about the heart.

Controls: Trust, love, gratitude, and compassion.


5. Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Located: In the throat.

Controls: Self-expression, communication, honesty, and understanding.


6. Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

Located: On your forehead, in between your eyes.

Controls: Intuition, wisdom, and imagination.


7. Crown Chakra – Sahastrara

Located: At the very top of your head.

Controls: Connection to the universe- enlightenment and universal consciousness.


All seven chakras control different things and are balanced in different ways. You can click on each to learn more in depth about each of them.